Scanning time:  3 minutes
6.5 minutes
30 minutes

3D Dragon Scan

This entire model of a dragon was scanned within 3 minutes with the very first wireless 3D scanner, Artec Leo. Thanks to its onboard automatic processing and in-built HD display, scanning was done in a flash and with no need to worry about any details missed. Upgraded with AI-powered HD Mode from the all-new Artec Studio 16, Leo was able to capture all the intricate details and hard-to-reach areas in high resolution to create the 3D model you see here. The quick scanning was followed by HD reconstruction, which only took 6.5 minutes to complete, resulting in scans as ultra-sharp as this dragon’s spikes.

A result this true to form would likely have been impossible even for Leo without Artec Studio 16, the freshly released professional 3D imaging software. The resolution of the fastest professional 3D scanner is now head-spinning high, especially when scanning in HD Mode.

Go ahead and zoom in to take a closer look at the dragon’s head, wings, and tail to admire how cleanly they’re captured. The uneven rough skin, the lines on the spine, and razor sharp spikes are all there — don’t just take our word for it, go ahead and rotate the model to make sure!

Another 30 minutes of seamless processing, and we’ve got a detail-rich fantasy dragon in 3D that looks so real, you’d hesitate to get too close. Artec Studio’s smart, user-friendly tools and AI neural network helped to complete Leo’s job in creating a flawless model, ready for CGI, 3D printing, VR design, and many other projects.

Scanned Using: 

Artec Leo

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