This article was initially published in the July 2015 Issue of Graphic Arts Magazine.

Whatever your application may be, the one thing you will always need for ANY 3D print is a functional 3D design file. You can design the file from scratch using CAD (or any of the various 3D design software programs), but you’ll quickly discover that this process is labourious and requires a very advanced set of skills. One of the best ways to kick-start your design process is to utilize 3D scanning technologies. Additionally, there are a variety of applications where you can utilize 3D scans for modelling and visualizing in the digital realm. This column will cover some of the 3D Scanning Basics you need while entering this world.

3D scanning uses a device that analyzes a real-world object or environment to collect data on its shape, texture and (in some cases) colour. Certain devices are handheld and hover around the object to obtain a collection of snapshots that are stitched together to create a full three-dimensional model. Other devices affix the scanner to a tripod and use a turntable to rotate the object. Some devices are in the form of a chamber or booth, with the object or person positioned in the center as they’re scanned from multiple angles. Finally, there are scanners that can be attached to an aircraft or vehicle to capture entire landscapes. No matter what form a 3D scanner takes, it will give you a huge leg up on developing your design.


Why use 3D Scanning?

On the most basic level, 3D scanning is a quick and effective way to capture the geometry of an existing object, which will aid in the design of new items and fixtures, applying an extension or new part to an existing geometry, or in reverse engineering applications. If you’re designing a part to be used for some pre-existing device (for example a vehicle, tool or machine), you can quickly capture the dimensions and measurements of a physical object and be confident your parts will fit together on the first try. You can enhance or change an existing part you’ve created, or digitize parts that were built before CAD software became widely used. You’ll see 3D scanning in the field of biometrics, obtaining 3D data for the design of prosthetics and implants, and increasingly used in the field of graphics and VFX, providing digital assets in the creation of 3D animations. 3D scanning is also being used more and more as a means of historical preservation. In fact, many objects from our past which are starting to show the effects of time can be digitally stored and maintained, or replicated through 3D printing. There’s an endless list of possibilities for 3D scanning and new ones are popping up every day.

3D Scanning Technologies

As you’ll soon realize, as with many things in the realm of 3D, there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to 3D scanners. So it’s best to figure out your particular needs and choose a scanner that suits your specific application.

Structured Light Scanning. These 3D scanners project a pattern of lights onto an object. The scanner then reads the reflections in the light to analyze curves and bends in the surface of the object. These scanners are flexible to use, good for many applications and safe on human eyes. These are generally a lower cost, but are not optimal on reflective or refractive surfaces.

Laser Scanning. These 3D scanners function similar to Structured Light, except they use lasers instead of a blanket of light. These can be great for precise engineering applications and capturing fine details, but are unsafe for human eyes. Thus they need to be used in a controlled environment.

Photogrammetry. This method uses multiple cameras to capture the object from different angles along with an algorithm that triangulates common points to analyze depth and create a 3D model. It gives you the best colour detail, however is not the most accurate for making precise measurements.

Objex Unlimited President and Founder Steve Cory inside the Selftraits Photogrammetry 3D Scanning Booth

Objex Unlimited President and Founder Steve Cory inside the Selftraits Photogrammetry 3D Scanning Booth

Also worth mentioning are MRI/CAT scans which are used in medical applications to scan inside an individual’s body. And CMM machines – though technically not 3D scanning – use a physical probe to get precise dimensions of an object.

The Artec Eva 3D Scanner


One of the 3D scanners we often recommend is the Artec Eva handheld Structured Light Scanner. While it won’t be the optimal scanner for every situation, it is certainly one of the most versatile and easy-to-use scanners on the market and is priced very competitively. The Eva doesn’t require markers or calibration. It captures objects quickly in high resolution and vibrant colour at up to 16 frames per second. These frames are aligned automatically in real time, which make scanning easy and fast. Please contact us at Objex Unlimited for a demonstration, or to answer any questions.



Matt BeloMatthew Belo is a Brand Manager and 3D Solution Specialist Working for Objex Unlimited Inc., Canada’s most diverse 3D Printing Solutions Provider. With a background in Marketing and Sales, Matthew has immersed himself in all things 3D. He focuses on looking for real opportunities that leverage 3D technologies while working to dispel myths and misconceptions associated with the equipment. Graduating from University of Waterloo, Matthew focused his studies on Rhetoric and Professional writing as well as Business and Marketing. Matt loves to discuss topics and issues related to Additive Manufacturing and will gladly answer questions, hear your opinions, and talk shop! He can be reached at, or at 416-233-7165.


About Objex Unlimited

Objex Unlimited 3D Printing Studio is a 3D solutions provider and 3D product reseller specializing in 3D Printing, 3D Scanning, 3D Design and 3D Services. We’re leading the 3D printing revolution to explore, develop, and commercialize new applications in 3D. Leveraging unparalleled expertise in 3D technologies, we work with you personally to find a product or solution that will save you time, effort, and money. We will bring your ideas and designs to life by creating working parts, beautiful full-colour models, and rapid prototypes.  Authorized resellers of 3D Systems, Artec, Markforged and LMI Technologies.

The ProJet® MJP 2500 is the newest and most affordable addition to the MultiJet line of 3D Printers from 3D Systems. Objex Unlimited has been using it to run all kinds of parts since we’ve received our machine in April, and frankly, have been thrilled with the results. Despite having a slightly lower resolution than it’s big brother–the ProJet MJP 3600 series– we’ve been able to get some outstanding detail from the printer. With a resolution of 800 x 900 x 790 DPI, and 32 µ layers, the ProJet 2500 can put out some extreme detail for an affordable, entry-level professional machine.

The most recent is a 3D Printed Watch Gear. See below for a view under the microscope next to a needle!


The ProJet MJP 2500 Series is the latest in 3D Systems’ MultiJet Printing (MJP) line of 3D printers, designed to combine professional grade 3D printing capabilities with an affordable price, an office-friendly footprint and easy part processing, to create functional precision plastic and elastomeric parts. This new MJP family of 3D printers deliver high resolution models, prototypes and injection molded quality parts on-demand.



Print precision parts right in your office, without compromising part fidelity or accuracy. This new printer family, that includes the ProJet MJP 2500 and ProJet MJP 2500 Plus, is designed to enable a broader range of professionals to create precision parts without leaving their workplace. Each printer in the series is compatible with robust and versatile VisiJet® M2 materials in durable white and black plastic. The ProJet MJP 2500 Plus offers additional material capability with rigid clear plastic, as well as flexible elastomeric black and elastomeric natural with outstanding elongation and full elastic recovery.


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About Objex Unlimited Inc.

Objex Unlimited 3D Printing Studio is a 3D solutions provider and 3D product reseller specializing in 3D Printing, 3D Scanning, 3D Design and 3D Services. We strive to be at the forefront of the 3D printing revolution and to explore, develop, and commercialize new applications in 3D.Leveraging unparalleled expertise in 3D technologies, we work with you personally to find a product or solution that will save you time, effort, and money. We will bring your ideas and designs to life by creating working parts, beautiful full-colour models, and rapid prototypes. Objex Unlimited is an authorized reseller of 3D Systems, Artec and LMI Technologies.

We’re excited to announce the next generation in the line of MarkForged industrial strength 3D printers:

The Mark Two

Just like the previous generation “Mark One,” the Mark Two continues to be the perfect Engineer’s Desktop tool. Designed to create strong parts, while maintaining intuitive and reliable operation, the Mark Two introduces some new key features to help push it ahead. The biggest improvements with the Mark Two are:

  1. Fiber reinforcement in features that are 15 times smaller than before.
  2. 40% faster fiber printing process.
  3. Increased print reliability with additional sensors in the print heads.
  4. Many incremental improvements in software, hardware, and materials to enhance the overall experience, and ease-of-use

This all wraps up into a new printer that’s easier to use and prints even stronger parts.

High Strength Universal Ball Joint

High Strength Universal Ball Joint

The MarkForged Vision

Two years ago, MarkForged blew everyone a way when they unveiled the first ever 3D Printer that could produce parts made of Carbon Fiber, Kevlar and Fiberglass at the SolidWorks show. It was the first time ever you could make end-use and workable parts, strong as aluminum (and a fraction of the weight). And, you could get it all in a printer that sits on your desk. MarkForged has a lot of happy customers by offering a one-of-a-kind machine, backed up with rock solid reliability, and the included Eiger software that is designed to be extremely powerful, while remaining intuitive and easy-to-use.

Our Experience

In our year of working with previous generation Mark One 3D Printer, we can certainly vouch for the reliability of this printer. The MarkForged Mark One is known around here as the printer that “just works.” However, bear in mind there are no miracles. Like any 3D printer, part of the operation includes the basic upkeep such as build plate levelling and the occasional calibration to keep things running smoothly.

With the Mark Two, MarkForged is taking things one step further. While the 40% faster fiber print speed is a welcome addition, we never really found the previous generation to be “slow” for an FDM printer. The biggest breakthrough in our eyes being the ability to fit Fiber into areas and features 15 times smaller than the previous generation. We certainly came across parts and fine features that the Mark One simply couldn’t fit fiber into the build, leading to redesign of he model or tricky work-arounds. The new Mark Two fiber printing capabilities eliminate many of the limitations of the previous generation.

MarkForged has managed to take what is already a reliable, well-designed printer, and improved key aspects to really take it to the next level.


Mark Two Composite 3D Printer Standard Kit
$5,499.00 USD

  • Mark Two 3D Printer
  • MarkForged software
  • Fiberglass filament sample, 50 cm3 (3.06 in3)
  • Nylon filament, 1000 cm3 (61 in3)
  • 1 x CFF Quick-change nozzle
  • 1 x FFF Quick-change nozzle
  • Carbon Fiber Filament NOT included

Mark Two 3D Printer and Professional Kit
$8,799.00 USD

  • Mark Two Composite 3D Printer.
  • MarkForged software. Premium software support.
  • Kevlar® filament, 100 cm3 (6.1 in3)
  • Carbon fiber filament, 100 cm3 (6.1 in3)
  • Fiberglass filament, 200 cm3 (12.2 in3)
  • Nylon filament, 2000 cm3 (122 in3)
  • 3 x CFF Quick-change nozzle
  • 3 x FFF Quick-change nozzle
  • 1 additional print beds

Mark Two 3D Printer and Enterprise Bundle
$13,499.00 USD

  • Mark Two Composite 3D Printer.
  • MarkForged software. Premium software support.
  • Kevlar® filament, 100 cm3 (6.1 in3)
  • Carbon fiber filament, 100 cm3 (6.1 in3)
  • Fiberglass filament, 100 cm3 (6.1 in3)
  • High Temp Fiberglass 100 cm3 (6.1 in3)
  • Nylon filament, 2000 cm3 (122 in3)
  • 3 x CFF Quick-change nozzle
  • 3 x FFF Quick-change nozzle
  • 1 additional print beds

MarkForged has announced the Enterprise bundle to their lineup of kits. It includes everything above in addition to a few other key features:

  • The enterprise kit allows you to print fiber material with a heat deflection temperature of 140°C. This is especially important for those of you in the aerospace and automotive industries.
  • Single Sign-On: simplifies access control for companies by tying Eiger access to company specific account

  • Optional two-factor authentication for enhanced security: two different types of logins (ex, phone, txt a code to the phone)

  • Early access to new features (we will start releasing features early as preliminary trial, pre-release, test user reaction with enterprise customers first, by couple of weeks or 1-2 months)

  • Company admin portal: gate access to files, what visible for who, controlling user accounts, access, etc.. 

I encourage you to request a demo with Objex Unlimited. The Mark One was a fantastic innovation that delivered a solution no one else can. The Mark Two takes that innovation to the next level. 

Objex Unlimited 3D Printing Studio is a 3D solutions provider and 3D product reseller specializing in 3D Printing, 3D Scanning, 3D Design and 3D Services. We’re leading the 3D printing revolution to explore, develop, and commercialize new applications in 3D.Leveraging unparalleled expertise in 3D technologies, we work with you personally to find a product or solution that will save you time, effort, and money. We will bring your ideas and designs to life by creating working parts, beautiful full-colour models, and rapid prototypes.  Authorized resellers of 3D Systems, Artec, Markforged and LMI Technologies.

Originally Published in May 2015 Issue (Vol. 18 | No. 4) of Graphic Arts Magazine. Objex Unlimited worked with closely with Graphic Arts Magazine to write articles catering to a print media and graphic arts crowd to educate about 3D Printing. This is part of that series of articles.

Let’s explore how to market and target customers with your 3D products and 3D Printing services.

3D marketing 101

The challenge with 3D technologies is that they’re “cutting edge.” Only a few firms so far have been true pioneers in using 3D to enhance their brand while communicating the benefits in a concise and value-added way. As a result, many of your customers won’t completely understand the advantages of your new 3D Printing Services, so you’ll need to engage them with examples specific to their needs.


The power of samples

Engage your customers with impressive, diverse samples to show them what’s possible using today’s 3D printers and scanners. There are still many misconceptions out there in the world of 3D, so customers can’t be expected to do all the research themselves. It’s your job to show them what’s possible via samples that cater to their needs and particular industry. Don’t explain why 3D Printing can help them – show them!


For example, if your customer is in tool and die making, 3D print a jig or a fixture. If your client is an automotive designer, show how they can design and build 3D printed car parts from a 3D scan. Show display companies a 3D-printed booth mock-up. If they’re willing to give you an STL or CAD file for test printing, that’s even better!


Make sure the materials you use in your samples are also diverse – wax, rubber, polymers, nylon, carbon fibre, metal, etc. – as well as full-colour options and a variety of plastics and resins. The amount of printable 3D materials is constantly expanding, so the more materials you can show, the more likely one of them will impress.


Who should you go after?

The variety of industries using 3D technology may shock you. For example, ever heard of Invisalign? Invisalign uses 3D printers to produce clear, custom orthodontic braces. I recently learned of a detailed, 3D printed prototype of a new sports stadium done for a fraction of its traditional cost of $500,000 – and in less time. One shoe company wanted prototypes of different designs and used 3D Printing to get samples faster and cheaper. Then there was a tool manufacturer that needed 3D samples to ensure that its products fitted comfortably in the hand and that its switches were easily accessible. Get the picture?


So what companies should you approach? The answer is just about any business! And never forget about consumers who will be amazed at your 3D prints and other products and novelties. I’d also investigate tradeshows (booth design), display companies (indoor/outdoor, POP), ad agencies (2D artists), industrial and commercial prototyping, packaging, marketing firms, premiums and incentives, etc. There are literally thousands of possible applications that today include aerospace, automotive, consumer products, healthcare, governments, industrial/business machines, education, research, arts, architecture, engineering and so on.

How to demonstrate the value of 3D technologies

While 3D printing is new and exciting, its advantages are the tried-and-true benefits that most businesses want – namely better quality, reduced material and labour costs, faster time to market, maximum flexibility in design and mass customization. Even complex 3D components are generally lighter and, depending on technology and material, stronger and more robust. And the best news of all – you can offer unprecedented cost savings to your clients while still marking up your products substantially.

If you’ve purchased a 3D printer, conduct on-site demonstrations – and have an expert on hand to explain how the machine works. Alternatively, get an expert from the company you’re partnering with to perform demonstrations if you haven’t purchased the equipment yet. People feel more at ease purchasing when they understand the process.


What do you need to compete as a 3D print service provider?

Anyone can purchase a consumer-level 3D Plastic Printer and claim to offer “3D Print Services.” For a $2,000 investment you’ll have a box that can jet plastic and produce small, monochrome objects with extremely simple shapes, and not a lot of durability. But if instead you choose to work with an experienced 3D studio, not only will you get access to high-end machines that can print complex geometries, functional parts and full-colour models, you’ll also gain valuable knowledge to properly operate the equipment to achieve best results.


Finally, it seems to me that with an experienced 3D printing studio as a partner, you’re limited only by your imagination. Good luck!



Objex Unlimited 3D Printing Studio is a full-service 3D solutions provider and 3D product reseller specializing in 3D Printing, 3D Scanning, 3D Design and 3D Services. We’re leading the 3D printing revolution to explore, develop, and commercialize new applications in 3D. Leveraging unparalleled expertise in 3D technologies, we work with you personally to find a product or solution that will save you time, effort, and money. We will bring your ideas and designs to life by creating working parts, beautiful full-colour models, and rapid prototypes.  Authorized resellers of 3D Systems, Artec, Markforged and LMI Technologies.

Here’s another great example of using 3D Design and 3D Print to turn imagination into real life!

Not long ago, an artist by the name of Oliver Pauk visited a 3D Printing talk by Steve Cory, President of Objex Unlimited. He started asking questions and eventually visited the offices here to see the different printers on-site, and started to realize how the different technologies could help him develop his art. The piece eventually created was part of Oliver Pauk’s Objects collection, which can be seen here:

Oliver Pauk - Objects Collection

Oliver Pauk – Objects Collection


Oliver Pauk was experienced creating 3D Designs in photoshop and wanted to make his file printable. It was determined that the best technology for the job was Stereolithography (SLA) 3D Printing, which uses a laser and a plastic based liquid resin, optimal for extremely fine detail at a comparably high strength. As SLA is not a colour printing technology, the colours were applied to the model using Hydrodipping. The process involves taking a non-porous plastic, placing a coloured film across a the surface of a vat of water, and then dipping the object into the vat as the colour transfer wraps around the object.

The results are absolutely amazing!

Check out more of Oliver Pauk’s artwork from the same collection in the link below!


Printed on ProJet 6000 HD

The ProJet 6000 HD offers three choices of print resolution, a choice of 6 VisiJet SL materials including the VisiJet SL Flex and Jewel. The material used for this particular project was VisiJet SL Black, ideal for ABS-like look and feel, high strength and good dimensional stability. Normally used for automotive and consumer goods prototyping and Ideal for electronics housing.

The ProJet 6000 range delivers up to 10 x 10 x 10 inch (250 x 250 x 250 mm) net build volume.

With options for high-definition, ultra high-definition and extra high-definition printing resolutions, you are guaranteed to print nothing that’s less than exceptional.



Objex Unlimited 3D Printing Studio is a full-service 3D solutions provider and 3D product reseller specializing in 3D Printing, 3D Scanning, 3D Design and 3D Services. We’re leading the 3D printing revolution to explore, develop, and commercialize new applications in 3D. Leveraging unparalleled expertise in 3D technologies, we work with you personally to find a product or solution that will save you time, effort, and money. We will bring your ideas and designs to life by creating working parts, beautiful full-colour models, and rapid prototypes.  Authorized resellers of 3D Systems, Artec, Markforged and LMI Technologies.

Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show (CMTS)

“At CMTS, experience more than 3,000,000 lbs of manufacturing equipment in action and connect with 700+ suppliers of technologies and solutions under one roof demonstrating live, working equipment.”


CMTS Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show

CMTS Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show

Manufacture the Future

The Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show (CMTS) is once again coming to Toronto. Starting Monday September 28th and running until Thursday October 1st, CMTS is a place for manufacturers to show off the latest equipment and services available to market.

With a focus on “cutting-edge innovations in Advanced Manufacturing including Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing, Automation and Robotics as well as Design Engineering,” Objex Unlimited will be offering attendees an in-depth look at 3D Printing, 3D Scanning, and 3D Design… as well as showing off commercialized applications in 3D Printing. If you’re interested in entering the realm of 3D, as a full-service 3D Solutions Provider, Objex Unlimited will happily answer any questions you may have and point you in the right direction to get you where you want to go. Come visit Objex Unlimited at Booth #1269!

If you haven’t received a promotional code from us, we’d be happy to share one with you! Register with us to receive a complimentary pass to CMTS!

Register Now For Free Promo Code to CMTS 2015

Come see Steve Cory deliver a talk on 3D Scanning!

Steve Cory with 3D Scanned Head

Objex President Steve Cory with 3D Printed Head

Objex Unlimited President and Founder, Steve Cory, will be delivering a talk open to all CMTS Attendees on 3D Scanning. As a member of the Additive Manufacturing Advisory Board (AMAB), and an expert in the field of 3D Printing, there is a lot to be gained from attending the talk. The presentation will be followed by a Question and Answer session if you have any further questions for Steve.

Presentation Title:
3D Scanning for figurines

Wednesday September 30
, 2015

Presentation Time:
 PM – 2:25 PM (includes Q&A)

About CMTS

Here’s a bit more information about CMTS 2015 from their website:

“CMTS features the latest in Machine Tools, Tooling, Forming, and Fabricating technologies along with the cutting-edge innovations in Advanced Manufacturing including Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing, Automation and Robotics as well as Design Engineering. CMTS provides attendees from all walks of manufacturing an experience they never forget and often repeat: a hands-on, flexible, learning environment of revolutionary technologies.

CMTS 2015 will once again showcase high-level technical sessions and keynote presentations from industry experts along with a host of new networking and interactive experiences for visitors.

CMTS proudly returns to The International Centre. Minutes from Toronto’s Pearson International Airport, with 5,000 free parking spaces or free shuttle bus service to and from CMTS host hotels.”

Your pass includes access to:

  • All Exhibits
  • CMTS,  RAPID Canada Keynotes &  Panels
  • Tech Talk Theatre Presentations
  • Innovation Alley
  • 3D Playground
  • Job Shop Reception with Special Guest NHL Alumni Darryl Sittler

September 28 – October 1, 2015

September 28: 10am – 5pm
September 29: 10am – 5pm
September 30: 10am – 8pm
October 1:         10am – 4pm

The International Centre (Halls 1 – 4)
6900 Airport Road
Mississauga, Ontario
Canada L4V 1E8

Come visit us at Booth #1269!

Free parking!

Register Now For Free Promo Code to CMTS 2015


Objex Unlimited 3D Printing Studio is a full-service 3D solutions provider and 3D product reseller specializing in 3D Printing, 3D Scanning, 3D Design and 3D Services. We’re leading the 3D printing revolution to explore, develop, and commercialize new applications in 3D. Leveraging unparalleled expertise in 3D technologies, we work with you personally to find a product or solution that will save you time, effort, and money. We will bring your ideas and designs to life by creating working parts, beautiful full-colour models, and rapid prototypes.  Authorized resellers of 3D Systems, Artec, Markforged and LMI Technologies.

Originally Published in April 2015 Issue (Vol. 18 | No. 3) of Graphic Arts Magazine. Objex Unlimited worked with closely with Graphic Arts Magazine to write articles catering to a print media and graphic arts crowd to educate about 3D Printing. This is part of that series of articles.

Is your business ready for the 3D Printing revolution? With a good partner, the answer is definitely yes! Of course, for many print and graphic firms, 3D can be an intimidating field to enter. Once you discover what lies beyond the plastic, consumer-level toy-maker printers, theres a world of sophisticated machines that can print functional end-use parts, full-colour 3D models and everything in between!


The capital investment

First, decide if you’re 3D printing in-house or partnering with an existing 3D Print Service Bureau for production. If you decide to go in-house, make sure you understand your capital investment and estimated cash flow from print production. Depending on the type of technology, size, materials and other factors, a professional-level 3D Printer can range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Alternatively, a good entry-level “pro-sumer” device is $3,000 to $5,000 – but you’ll likely be limited in print size, speed and capabilities.


If all of this seems daunting to you, partner with a 3D Print Service Bureau that can provide production and design services until you decide your own particular business and customer needs. They can help you test a few different technologies, then set up and train you on equipment and software that’s the best fit for your business and clients. Best of all there’s little to no cost to start offering these services to your customers right away.


Outsourcing: A smart way to start

There are already full-service 3D Print Service Bureaus out there that have their equipment running each and every day and know the machines inside and out. They can tackle tricky scan and design issues, address print problems and make sure you’re receiving the best print quality possible.


As discussed in last month’s article, outsourcing doesn’t stop at 3D printing but involves a considerable amount of work pre-print, and post-print. Look for a full-service bureau that can also handle design, scanning and other important services. It’s likely your customers will need help building their files or capturing the geometry of already existing objects – and having access to high-end scanners and design services is essential to building a successful 3D Print file.


Choosing a 3D Print Partner for the full-service Solution

First, make sure to visit the office and observe how many different printers and technologies they have. If they only have one or two types of printers or scanners, they’re likely to recommend whatever technology they specialize in without much thought – even if it isn’t your best option. Second, ask questions. Make sure they’re willing to invest in the newest technologies and give you quick access to them. Finally, see if they’re using their printers frequently. It’s easy to keep a display model around. But if they can’t keep their own printers running, they likely won’t have them available when you need the most. It takes a lot of 3D prints to learn about the printing equipment inside and out – so there’s a huge benefit with leveraging your partner’s experience.


While there’s an assortment of 3D Printer resellers out there that might sell you a big expensive “box” then leave you on your own, a good 3D Print Service Bureau that wants your repeat business will offer several different machine options, while educating you on the process. Only when you’re ready, they’ll set up and train you and your staff on a printer you’ll be 100% confident to purchase and operate, while being there to provide ongoing tech support. They should also give you production and finishing tips that will separate you from your competition.


You decide but dont get left behind

3D Printing is already generating additional revenue for many. Once you see for yourself how the technology can add additional profits and win over new customers, then you can decide whether or not you’d like to start moving your 3D print production in-house.

In next months final of this 3-part series, well explore how and where to target customers with your 3D print products and services.



Objex Unlimited 3D Printing Studio is a full-service 3D solutions provider and 3D product reseller specializing in 3D Printing, 3D Scanning, 3D Design and 3D Services. We’re leading the 3D printing revolution to explore, develop, and commercialize new applications in 3D. Leveraging unparalleled expertise in 3D technologies, we work with you personally to find a product or solution that will save you time, effort, and money. We will bring your ideas and designs to life by creating working parts, beautiful full-colour models, and rapid prototypes.  Authorized resellers of 3D Systems, Artec, Markforged and LMI Technologies.

Originally Published in March 2015 Issue of Graphic Arts Magazine. Objex Unlimited worked with closely with Graphic Arts Magazine to write articles catering to a print media and graphic arts crowd to educate about 3D Printing. This is the first of this series of articles.

A look at the products, misconceptions and opportunities of taking your business from 2D to 3D printing.

3D printing is an exciting, emerging technology. From cars, to dental implants, to human organs… from customized works of art, to functional prototypes and tools… the list of what can now be printed on a 3D printer is constantly growing.

But what are the obstacles? Most importantly, how can you add 3D to your existing digital or offset products and services? To answer these questions, I asked Steve Cory, president of Objex Unlimited 3D Printing Studio, based in Toronto. This full-service Canadian firm is at the forefront of the 3D printing revolution, partnering with clients in developing and commercializing technologies, products and processes – from concept to final result.

“The demand for 3D services is already present, and your competition is likely already capitalizing on it. To match or exceed this, you must bring a new level of interest to existing and prospective clients by showcasing this cutting-edge technology to them in an affordable way. Traditional methods of producing a model are extremely costly, but 3D Printing has opened many doors,” says Cory. “What we believe to be most important is educating your customers about the technology and managing their expectations. There’s a plethora of machines in the realm of 3D and it’s a matter of finding the best software and equipment for the particular application. Whether you use our services, purchase from us, or simply use us as a resource, we are always here to help.”

The 3D process and the misconceptions

“With 3D Printing comes many pre-conceived misconceptions, the most common being that the 3D Printer is an all-in-one solution; you just push the “start” button and anything you imagine will materialize! The bulk of the work comes both before the print begins, and after the print completes. The 3D Printing champions are definitely 3D designers who do a bulk of the work before it even reaches a printer, and the model finishers who treat, finish, and make the model the best it can be.”

There are many steps in generating that ideal 3D Printed model. From the moment you have your idea, your next step should be to understand the different printing technologies and materials. For example, each printer (and each material used) has different properties that govern how you should initially design your file. You have to ask yourself a few questions:

  • Which material is best for your prototype? Are you looking for plastic, rubber, or a specific type of resin? Does it need to be medically certified?
  • What kind of strength and fit do you need? Like digital printers, 3D printers have different tolerances and strengths, which should be factored into initial design.
  • What is your desired end product? Are you going to make a cast or mold from the model? Will it be a display model? Or will it be a functional, ready-to-use part?
  • Do you need a specific colour or surface finish? Would you like your print to be full-colour CMYK? Or do you need something transparent?


The role of 3D scanners

You don’t always need to start from scratch! Perhaps you already have some kind of physical object or model you’d like to work with. 3D Scanners are an outstanding tool to give you a jump-start on your design, even if some kind of post-processing and 3D design work is often necessary. Maybe you’re looking to reverse engineer something you already have, and break it down into a digital design. Maybe you want to build a custom-fit part, like making a wing or part that fits your particular car, or a wearable item formed perfectly to your body. Maybe you want to scan of a person to commemorate a special occasion.


Again, you’ll be faced with a choice; which scanner is best for you? What’s your budget? Will you need a mobile scanner? Stationary scanning booths invariably render better accuracy and detail. Do you need to capture colour, or just geometry? Is the object you are scanning large or small?


Choosing a 3D printing partner

Today’s successful companies should provide more than just hardware. You need – and should expect – ongoing expertise and tech support for rapid prototyping, 3D scanning and digital imaging. This includes personal and professional service training, plus consulting and workflow management. Most importantly, your supplier should tell you how to capitalize financially on 3D printing opportunities by providing sales and marketing support – including lead generation, referral programs and even discounts on services and equipment.


Some cool new 3D printing options

So what 3D products are end-users buying? Full-colour, photo-realistic 3D prints continue to be big sellers. Photo-realistic 3D people models as well as 3D-printed pet models are also extremely popular. On the commercial side, rapid prototyping and custom personalized devices are on the rise. In the final analysis, you must determine what will your client base wants – both on a personal and business level. Giving them exciting new 3D ideas by promoting all that you can do and getting actual physical samples into their hands is a great beginning.”

Yesterday, Objex Unlimited sister company Sculptraits was featured on the front page of Metro News Toronto. Founder of Objex Unlimited and Sculptraits, Steve Cory, spoke about the 3D Printed selfies, called Selftraits. In particular, Steve talked about the Projex Selfie Day promotion where customers can receive 10% off the 5″ Selftrait, and 20% off the 6″ Selftrait. In accordance to the Projex Selfie initiative, proceeds will be donated to the Paralympic Committee; an organization dedicated to strengthening the Paralympic movement.

Here’s an excerpt from Metro News Toronto:

“A Toronto company is taking selfies to the next dimension.

Sculptraits Studios will create a 3D model of you and turn it into a six-inch, full-colour figurine for $120.
“It began as a proof of concept. Could we scan and print a person?” said Steve Cory, Sculptraits founder and president of its parent company, Objex Unlimited.

Turns out, you can.

While other 3D selfie providers rely on handheld scanners or moving cameras, Sculptraits Studios (321 Davenport Rd.) opened in July boasting a booth equipped with more than 130 synchronized cameras. Not only does the technique allow Cory and his colleagues to capture subjects in motion, it also results in a surprisingly lifelike figurines….”

Read the full article here.